Saturday, 6 July 2019

Secret societies in Nigeria
There is a lot of fake secret societies up-springing every day, but you can know them by their ways of initiations and membership. The scammer always demands registration fee and some sort of unnecessary fees before initiation. Don't give a penny or cent neither Kobo to anyone who says he/she will initiate you to any fraternity, remember '' Money means nothing to those who prints it''. And a good Brotherhood must have a channel like Facebook, Twitter, etc where aspiring members can send their review whether negative or positive. You can marry and raise children as a member of the Ultimate Brotherhood.
The secret behind the secret societies you have been denied of by the secret society Lord's, Gurus and supreme masters, they don't want you to know. The offering up of sacrifices is to be regarded as a divine institution and sacrifices must not be human beings, it could be animal it didn't originate with man. God Himself appointed it as the mode in which acceptable worship was to be offered to Him by guilty man. The language and the idea of sacrifice pervade the whole Bible. Sacrifices were offered in antediluvian age. The Lord clothed Adam and Eve with the skins of animals which in all probability had been offered a sacrifice of the firstlings of his flock see Hebrew 11:4.
It is believed that man went astray from the garden of Eden so the only way God could reconcile man with Him was by the atonement of BLOOD. Because without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. This was why Jesus died on the cross. Now, look at the synonyms and antonyms of the story of Abraham and the sacrifice of his son Isaac as a burnt offering to God. Find details in the book of Genesis 22:1--18. This too explains how God Himself allows sacrifice from time immemorial. You can be successful either by human sacrifice or with the sacrifices of animals like..goats, bull, fowl, bush baby, etc both are acceptable and effective. When God finds out that Abraham was full of faith in Him a ram was provided in place of the human sacrifices this should tell you that you can't be famous here on earth without either by human sacrifices or animals sacrifices. You can sacrifice other animals like a bush baby, black dog in place of human being and everything could be perfect with you in life and you can live long, none of your family members will be lost his/her life. I know thousands of the dreaded secret societies /cults and fraternities out there won't be happy with what we are doing by exposing their secrets over the Internet. I have been attacked by several groups of these evil cults but with the help of Enki am still alive and I defeated them. We need to bring the masses out of the darkness and stop the fear of been killed once you joined a brotherhood. We want our members to live long and testify the goodness of this great brotherhood. Look at the decollation of John the Baptist, the Holy Scriptures tells us that after St.John the Baptist was beheaded the impious Herodias forbade the prophet's head to be buried together with his body. instead, she desecrated the honorable head and buried it near her palace. This was yet another secret ritual which nobody can give an answer to it. if I may ask (see Matthew 11:1--19)John the Baptist prophecies about the coming of Jesus and even baptized Him can someone tell me what was the offense of John that Jesus refused to bring him out of prison? Read Matthew 14 and from the book of Mark 6:14--29 how shamefully john was beheaded and you will find out the secret meaning of his death from verses 23 of Mark 6m and in verse 30 of Mark 6.Jesus after hearing of John's death he did not say a word this also tells me of John exchanging his life for the coming of Jesus, this was yet another sacrifice fulfilled. This the occultic men won't let you know. Have you ever asked some of these pastors where they got their powers from? Of course, they will claim God gave them but deep behind is the secret known by few. Come be part of this great brotherhood and say bye for poverty, sickness, untimely death, hatred, unemployment, etc. You can connect with me on +2348105621520, +1(520) 815-6590, for further details.

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